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Murder victim laid to rest
By:Mark Calder Posted: 12/29/98
      St. John Bosco Church was bedecked Monday morning in holiday splendour.
      Crimson poinsettias, garlands with red bows, a Christmas tree and a giant creche added an ironic warmth to an otherwise sombre moment.
      In the pews, more than 200 sat clad in Sunday best.       There were no smiles. No holiday joy.
      Instead, people looked straight ahead, their faces frozen as they used crumpled tissues to dab tears from their eyes.
      Family and friends gathered at the church to pay last respects to Andrew Moffitt, the 23-year-old son of Paulette and Rodney Moffitt of Brockville, who was stabbed to death two days before Christmas while trying to stop a fight in an Ottawa bar. more.

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